Typically the investment for a bouquet is somewhere between $250-$500
So what happens to your flowers after the wedding? Unfortunately, florals wilt soon after the event and are tossed out, only to be remembered in photographs.
Details Matter:
There is a lot of skill, patience, and attention to detail that is involved with preserving such a fragile and delicate natural materials like flowers. At Heirloom Blooms Design we know how much meaning and love is in your blooms and our goal is to showcase that through our art. Giving you a way to display your love and your story through a tangible piece of your wedding day! At Heirloom Blooms Design our hope is to capture the essence of your wedding day by preserving your love story. Imagine seeing all the tiny details and delicate flowers you held in your hand as you walked down the aisle, now preserved and framed to display in your home.
When to book your floral preservation: The best time to start thinking about booking floral preservation is when you are in the planning stages and looking at your florist options. Some brides reach out to us beforehand to select flowers that will press the best. Even if a bride has already chosen a florist, it's the perfect time to book your floral preservation artist. Not all artists have the same style, so it's always good to do your research and find a preservationist whose style resonates with you. We work closely with our brides to ensure that their final framed piece is exactly what they envisioned.
How you can book: If you are interested in working with us, you can check out our website below and inquire about reserving your date. We serve all our local Maryland brides and nationwide.
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